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    Rio Carnival

    Posted by Travel Adventurist On Saturday, March 12, 2011 2 comments

    Christ the Redeemer,a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio
    Think of Rio Carnaval and what images come to mind? crazy ,sexy ,weird ,scantily garbed dancers,
     pounding samba rhythms...the list is endless .

    Carnaval, also called carnival, is celebrated in many places throughout South America. Carnaval, as spelled in Portuguese, is a 4-day celebration. It starts on Saturday and ends on Fat Tuesday (Mardi-Gras).  the most famous mardi gras in America takes place in  New Orleans Rio de Janeiro is famed throughout the world for the splendor and extravagance of its Carnival, which reaches its spectacular climax in the week before Good Friday and attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators.The carnival parade is filled with people and floats from various samba schools.

    If you are a travel junkie , you won’t even think  of missing the carnival  in rio . Not only this place is famous as the former capital city of Brazil, it is also the second largest city and is known to welcome innumerable tourists every year more than a million tourist flock here every year ,on the occasion of Rio Carnival this is the right place to indulge in the wildest things, vibe into the rhythm of Samba and witness some of the most exotic self-indulgent events on the earth..If there is one place in the world offering every single earthly delight any sane man could want, Rio de Janeiro is it..with  the most frenzied nightlife ever

    You may want to get dirty join  the  Bloco da Lama   (Block of Mud),, 263 km from Rio  take it to a beach near the picturesque town of Paraty  to frolic in the soft blue-black mud which is said to have been used by indigenous Indians for medicinal purposes.The mud craze dates back to 1986 when friends smeared the mud on their bodies to stave off insects as they caught crabs in the swampy area. They dared each other to run covered in mud around Paraty's historic center which at times host the carnival

    A member of the "Bloco da Lama" (Block of Mud)  on Jabaquara beach in the city of Paraty 
    Nights of beauty ,magic and fun are waiting for you in rio de janeiro, you may want to book your next reservation earlier try  Vacation Safaris and get huge discounts guaranteed  , be ready to 
    Dance the night away to the samba the lights and the sound's of carnival

    Rio carnival 2011 photos below, click here for more

    So, are you  geared up for the upcoming Rio Carnival?  i want to say 2014! here we come!